BCG Norway Events
Every year, BCG Norway hosts events to recruit new hires and develop careers. Coffee Chats, mentorship programs, networking sessions, and workshops are favorites among attendees.
Explore our Events
Discover new opportuntities to connect with BCG Norway below.
August 23-25, 2024  
Håholmen, Norway
+You Student Seminar
At the event, a BCG consultant will be your dedicated +You mentor. Your mentor is responsible for ensuring you get the most out of your +You participation. That includes practicing your problem solving and analytical skills, while also supporting you in solving a real BCG case. 
June 17-21, 2024 
BCG Oslo Office
Consulting Bootcamp
Our Consulting Bootcamp provides students with the opportunity to gather hands-on management consulting experience. During the one-week internship you will work in a team guided by a BCG Project Leader, participate in a real project side by side our consultants, and present your findings internally.
March-April 2024 
BCG Oslo Office
Women Mentorship Program
The Women Mentorship Program is an exclusive platform for students and young professionals who identify as women. It is a space to discover your unique strengths, enhance your abilities, and kick-start your career in consulting.

Applications are closed for 2024. 

BCG Norway

Welcome to Boston Consulting Group. We are market leaders in management consulting and we work with the largest companies in Norway, in the Nordics and around the globe. Our clients are across many industries and sectors, expanding particularly within Climate & Sustainability, AI & Digital and more.