HMS Internship at BCG Switzerland
Your HMS internship is the first step into the professional world and it will give you valuable insights for your future career. The choice where you want to spend this internship should be well deliberated and thought through. Which is why we would like to give you a more detailed impression of the HMS internship at BCG Zurich on this website. Click through and find out everything important about the internship, our teams, and about the culture and people at BCG!

Why do your HMS internship at BCG?

Listen to our former trainees and find out what they appreciated about BCG as an employer for their internship.

Meet Our Teams

If you complete your HMS internship at BCG, you will spend 12 months in one of our four
​​​​​​​ speciality teams. Read through the team portraits below to learn more about each team, its areas of responsibility, and find out who they are looking for.
Talent Acquisition Team
Our founder Bruce Henderson once said "freshness, imagination, and insight can only be renewed by continual input of fresh minds." The Talent Acquisition team helps BCG to achieve this by continuously attracting and hiring a wide range of diverse new talent. Starting with a first contact at one of our events, throughout the interview process, until someone decides to join BCG – we make sure that candidates feel welcomed and supported during their application process!
Are you communicative and do you have an outgoing personality? Do you feel comfortable approaching people and having conversations with them? Do you work accurately and reliably, and enjoy supporting the organization and realization of events? Then the Talent Acquisition team is the right place for you! We will support your personal development and offer a broad spectrum of tasks with extensive insight into the field of talent acquisition and the consulting industry. Our open-minded and dynamic team of 11, loves to try out new restaurants, sports or other adventures. If we were granted one wish, it would be an office-dog.
Finance Team
Did you always want to find out, how finance and accounting from school compares to tasks in a professional finance team? During an internship in our team you will see, that it can be quite different. In our finance team you don't have to be an expert in finance and fill out accounting records, calculations and BABs. You are more likely to work a lot with Excel, large spreadsheets, or our expenses system.
Are you eager to learn new skills, do you act proactively and think outside of the box? Do you have an affinity for numbers, Excel and your working style is characterized by accuracy? Then the finance team is waiting for you! In this team you will gain deep insights into the finance and accounting department of one of the largest management consulting firms worldwide. Our 16-person, chocolate-loving, glasses-wearing finance team will always support you and is always up for a good joke.
Marketing & Communications Team
How does a company that does not sell a tangible product advertise itself? What is the marketing & communications mix at BCG? How can we differentiate ourselves from competitors and explore creative possibilities for bringing in the unexpected and the inspirational? The Marketing & Communications team is the right place to get these questions answered.
Marketing and Communications help shape the perception of BCG through targeted, powerful, and memorable experiences such as events, webinars, conferences or mailings. We showcase BCG in a way that enhances the perception of the firm, position audiences at the center of everything – from business decision makers and recruits to journalists and influencers – and personify the brand through engaging, insightful, and creative content experiences.

During an internship in this team, you will build up practical marketing & communications skills, gain insights about the needs of our clients and learn about the full range of channels and tactics across digital, social, media, events, and personal touchpoints.
Do you work accurately, have a high level of commitment and are a team player? Then Marketing & Communications can't wait to meet you! The Marketing and Communications family is a diverse and cosmopolitan octet, never short of a clever (or silly) quip, perfect for a lively day at the office followed by after-work activities.
HR Team
Have you ever wondered who manages all the employees' data? How does a company ensure that employees continuously learn and grow in their job? Or what "career development" exactly is? Find the answers to all these questions by joining our HR team! During an internship in this team, you will discover the broad range of HR topics that exist in an international company.
Are you organized, reliable, structured and do you act with foresight? Do you enjoy organizing and are you a people person? Then become part of our highly motivated HR team! In this team, you will support the organization of trainings, you will work with our employee data base, and you will have various responsibilities connected to our career development process. You will get insights into the diverse field of HR, be in close contact with our employees, and the HR team will always support you in your learning process. We are a diverse, welcoming 17-member team that is well seasoned in finding creative solutions for almost every problem that comes up without losing our positive spirit.

What challenges await you?

We asked our former trainees what challenges you will face during an internship at BCG. Watch the following video to get insights about their individual experiences.

How to apply

Convinced you want to do your HMS internship at BCG?

Wait no longer and seize this opportunity to boost your career and gain unique insights to BCG’s work and culture. Apply now if you are in the 3rd year of your training at a Swiss commercial college (Handelsmittelschule) and are planning to do your 1-year internship starting from August 2025. 

Please apply by uploading your complete application (CV, cover letter, grades, certificates and references if available) in German or English.

Timeline: We only accept applications between August 29, 2024 until September 9, 2024. 

 You will receive our feedback shortly after the deadline and interviews will take place at the end of September and in October.

Please note, that we are not allowed to accept any applications via e-mail due to our data protection guidelines.

Have any questions? Ask Julia.
Hi! My name is Julia Dederer and I am a Talent Acquisition Junior Specialist at BCG Zurich.
Application processes can be daunting sometimes, especially for the first time. But don't worry, all of us have been there at one point. My main tip is simply: Don't hold back with your accomplishments - whatever they may be -  and show the real amazing you!
Learn more about BCG.
There is a lot to know about us, our work and culture. If you want to learn more about BCG worldwide, visit our global careers page by clicking here. 

If you want explore our our teams, offices, and careers in Switzerland, visit our local careers page by clicking here. 

Frequently Asked Questions